Gateway to the Savage Frontier – Items

Statuettes of the North, East, West and South: Have the effect of repelling monsters who dwell in those directions from Ascore. When their bases are joined together on the altar at Ascore they form a small pyramid and their powers are greatly magnified.

The Ring of Reversal
The Ring of Reversal: Created over an extended period of time by Amanitas, when placed on the apex of the united statuettes it reverses their effect so they attract monsters instead of repelling them.

The Card of Counting
The Card of Counting: Created by Amanitas, it allows the bearer to interchangeably use the three vaults in Yartar, Neverwinter and Silverymoon.

The Sword of Stonecutting
The Sword of Stonecutting: Made by a craftsman in Neverwinter from meteorite ore the party can find in Tuern, this +3 sword does double damage against stonebased monsters. It is especially useful to help destroy the stone golem in Sundabar.

The Armor of the Glacier
The Armor of the Glacier: Given to the party by the old knight Kestutis in Tuern, after they save him from pirates. Cuts damage from fire-based attacks by 50%, as well as attacks by fire-based monsters such as salamanders.

The Sword of Icewind Dale
The Sword of Icewind Dale: +1 sword, does double damage against fire-based monsters. Can be stolen from pirates in Luskan.

Wand of Ice Storm
Wand of Ice Storm: With 3 uses. Can be stolen from pirates in Luskan

Wand of Defoliation
Wand of Defoliation: This wand is an especially effective weapon against shambling mounds. It is found after Ceptienne’s defeat in the Star Mounts.

Elven Long Sword
Elven Long Sword (+2 vs . Vndead): This sword is found in the pit in the mirror room in Ascore.

Necklace of Missiles
Necklace of Missiles: Contains 3 uses of Fireball . Found in Ceptienne’s chamber in the Star Mounts after she has been defeated .

Dagger +1
Dagger +1: One is found in a storeroom in the hidden Kraken complex beneath Yartar. Another can be taken from Brinshaar after defeating him in the Hosttower of the Arcane. One is also taken from Ceptienne after she is defeated at the Star Mounts.

Arrows +1
Arrows +1: 20 are given to the party by the Master of the Indoor Gardens in Neverwinter. Another set can be stolen from pirates in Luskan.

Mace +1
Mace +1: This can be stolen from pirates in Luskan. Another can be taken from the Banite cleric in Nesme.

Broad Sword +1
Broad Sword +1: This can be taken from the Zhentil commanders in Ascore and Sub-Llorkh.

Composite Bow +1
Composite Bow +1: This can be stolen from pirates in Luskan.

Crossbow and Quarrels +1
Crossbow and Quarrels +1: These can be taken from the Zhentil commanders in Ascore.

Shield +1
Shield +1: One is awarded to the party after they find Princess Jagaerda on Gundarlun and return with her to the castle. Another can be taken from the scrags who live north of the Kraken headquarters on the Purple Rocks.

Chain Mail +1
Chain Mail +1: Can be taken from the Banite cleric in Nesme . Another set can be taken from the Zhentil commanders in Ascore and Sub-Llorkh

Long Sword +2
Long Sword +2: This sword, which was stolen from the party at the start of the game, is recovered after defeating the Kraken commander beneath Yartar

Bow +2 and Arrows +2
Bow +2 and Arrows +2: These are found inside a trapped chest guarded by mummies in Ascore.

Dwarven Battle Axe +2
Dwarven Battle Axe +2: This is taken from the ettin in Ascore.

Bracers, AC6
Bracers, AC6: These are taken from the Hosttower wizard when the party wins the statuette of the East in the Hosttower.

Bracers, AC4
Bracers, AC4: These are gained after defeating the Zhentarim magic-user in Ascore.

MU Scroll
MU Scroll: Sleep, Magic Missile, and Stinking Cloud spells, found in a library in the hidden Kraken complex beneath Yartar.

Clerical Scroll
Clerical Scroll : Q cure light wounds spells, these are found inside a trapped chest guarded by mummies in Ascore.

Cloak of Displacement
Cloak of Displacement: Lightweight and can be worn over existing armor for an additional +2 bonus to AC.
NOTE: The screenshots of the item attributes are for use with the Gold Box Companion.