Gateway to the Savage Frontier – Monsters

These insect-like monsters can do great melee damage with their mandibles and can spit acid at short range for massive damage. Stay at long range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells.

Their gaze can turn a character to stone. Try to have each character stay at range and ready a silver mirror to reflect their gaze. Get characters without mirrors out of line of sight of the basilisks. Temples can change a stone character back into flesh for a large fee.

These animals often get up and fight on after death. Get into melee and kill them again.

Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and destroy them.

Displacer Beast
They are hard to hit because of their ability to displace their image. Use a Stinking Cloud spell to slow them down.

Use stinking cloud spells to slow these beasts down. Fighters should close around the dragon and spread out so that the dragon has less chance of attacking several characters with one breath weapon attack . Keep characters with low hit points out of the line of fire of the dragon’s breath weapons.

These creatures from the elemental plane of fire can only be hit by magical weapons and are resistant to fire attacks. The Sword of Icewind Dale is a good weapon against these creatures.

These two headed monsters can do massive damage with their clubs in melee. Try to stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells.

Frogs (Giant)
Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and defeat them.

These undead can paralyze non-elven characters with a touch. Have each of the clerics use their ability to turn undead and move the elven characters to the front of the party to keep other characters from being paralyzed.

Giants (Fire)
These giant monsters can do massive damage with their clubs in melee. Try to stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells . In melee, use Stinking Cloud spells to soften them up. Rangers do extra damage attacking giants.

Giants (Hill)
These giant monsters can do great damage with their clubs in melee and can throw giant boulders at range. Close to melee range and use Stinking Cloud spells to soften them up. Rangers do extra damage attacking giants.

Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and defeat them.


These stone monsters can do great damage in melee, are immune to the spells in Gateway, and can only be hit by magic weapons of +2 or better. Characters with the proper weapons should close and attack, characters without the proper weapons should stay out of range of the golem’s attack.

These monsters can do great melee damage with their powerful claws. Stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells.

These flying creatures can charm characters. Close quickly and use Stinking Cloud spells to keep them from charming characters.

Hell Hounds
Close to melee range, use a Stinking Cloud spell to slow them down, and defeat them.

Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and destroy them.

Lizards (Giant)
Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and defeat them

Lizard men
Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and defeat them

These large creatures can throw 6 spines per attack at long range. Keep characters with poor armor classes out of line of sight. Close to melee range, use a Stinking Cloud spell to slow them down, and defeat them.

These creatures can only be hit by magical weapons and have many melee attacks. Characters with the proper weapons should close and attack, characters without the proper weapons should stay out of range of the margoyle’s attack.

Their gaze can turn a character to stone and the bite of their snakes can poison a character. Try to have each character stay at range and ready a silver mirror to reflect their gaze . Get characters without mirrors out of line of sight of the medusae. Temples can change a stone character back into flesh or cure a poisoned character for a large fee.

Mummies (Ascorian)
These undead have powerful melee attacks, can only be hit by magical weapons, and can cause a rotting disease. Have each of the clerics use their ability to turn undead. Characters with the proper weapons should close and attack, characters without the proper weapons should stay out of range of the margoyle’s attack . A5th level cleric or a temple can cast a Cure Disease spell.

Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and defeat them.

Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and destroy them.

Close to melee range, use a Stinking Cloud spell to slow them down, and defeat them.

These large creatures can do great melee damage when they ‘hug’ their target. Stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells .

These creatures from the elemental plane of fire can only be hit by magical weapons and are immune to fire attacks. The Sword of Icewind Dale is a good weapon against them.

These large creatures can regenerate back from the dead . Close to melee range, use a Stinking Cloud spell to slow them down, and defeat them. Then stand on the spot where they fall so that they don’t get up.

Skeletal Fighters
These weak undead take reduced damage from slashing and piercing weapons. Have each of the clerics use their ability to turn undead and have the characters ready maces, flails, and slings to fight with .

Skeletons (Ascorian)
These are more powerful skeletons. They also take reduced damage from slashing and piercing weapons. Have each of the clerics use their ability to turn undead and have the characters ready maces, flails, and slings to fight with .

Snakes (Giant)
These animals have a poisonous bite . Stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells. Temples can cure a poisoned character for a large fee.

Spiders (Giant)
These animals have a poisonous bite . Stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells. Temples can cure a poisoned character for a large fee.

Squids (Large)
These giant animals live in the water, which allows them to avoid ranged weapons and fire based spells. Use non-fire based attack spells, or close to melee to defeat them.

Close to melee range, use a Sleep spell on them, and defeat them.

These large creatures can regenerate back from the dead. Close to melee range, use a Stinking Cloud spell to slow them down, and defeat them. Then stand on the spot where they fall so that they don’t get up.

These large creatures have a poisonous stinger. Stay at range and defeat them with ranged weapons and spells. Temples can cure a poisoned character for a large fee.

These slow undead often attack in large groups . Have each of the clerics use their ability to turn undead and engage the rest in melee to defeat them.
NOTE: We were unable to locate Tigers in any of the world’s biomes. Nor were the Zombies (Ascorian) located in Ascore. In the Cluebook, Zombies (Ascorian) were not mentioned as an encounter in Ascore. The only undead found in Ascore were Skeletons (Ascorian) and Mummies (Ascorian). Because the Zombies (Ascorian) and the Tigers were not located within the game, they were not included in this Monster’s list.