OFFICE        SUPPLIES        2

Master Inventory List

File Box for Index Cards

Description: Plastic red and biege file box for index cards.   

Sticky Notes

Description: Lots of different sticky notes, colors and sizes.

Staples and Paper Clip

Description: Lots of boxes of staples and paper clips.

Drawing Compass

Description: A drawing compass with hand ruler compass.

Calibri Pens

Description: 2 Calibri Pens with cases.


Description: A couple different letter envelopes stock.

Mini Paper Cutter

Description: Small plastic paper cutter.

Rubber Bands

Description: Lots of different rubber bands.

Webster's desktop dictionary

Description: Small tabbed dictionary from Greensboro.

Playing Cards

Description: Various playing cards in cases.


Description: Several different rulers.

Pencil Box

Description: Plastic pencil box.

Mini Binder - Burgandy

Description: Mini binder burgandy. 


Description: Various staplers

Staple Remover

Description: Mostly blue file folders.


Description: A couple medium sized calculators.

Letter Opener

Description: Letter opener